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Welcome to the Wiesn Maniacs
Caution: We are extreme Wiesn-Lovers!
The source of that love was dear Georg Huber – a Wiesn veteran with Oktoberfest blood in his veins. In 1994 he had the ingenious idea to offer guided tours at the Oktoberfest. Since then, the most interesting stories surrounding the biggest and most memorable folk festival in the world have been researched, innumerable facts collected and very close contacts to showmen, stall owners and beer tent operators at the Wiesn have been established.
“We”, that is Kerstin and Claudia from Georg P. Huber event agency who are in charge of projects and events for a large variety of customers throughout the rest of the year. However, “we” also includes all Wiesn guides and stand staff, who are drawn back to the Wiesn to meet their “Wiesn family” every year.
In short: We are Wiesn maniacs, who can tell so many stories and anecdotes that you are guaranteed to learn more about the Oktoberfest with us in one hour than in 16 days spent in a beer tent.
We love “our” Oktoberfest, and nothing gives us more pleasure than sharing our knowledge with all those interested – locals as well as tourists. So that everyone will learn to love the Wiesn as much as we do!